It's Not About Me. Or Is It?

I've heard over and over
that life isn't all about me.
And all of me thinks of that
and all of my mind wants to agree.
"It's not about me".
"It's larger than my feelings".
"It's about others and helping them
to find their way".

But sometimes I wonder what "it" is.
What is the "it" that is not about me?
What is the "it" that's more important
than how I feel?
What is the "it" that is about others?

Because so often I find,
"It" is about me.
"It" is about my feelings.
"It" is important.

How I view myself in regards to "it".
How my feelings compare in light
of "it".
How others are viewed and their
importance in the scope of "it".

"It" is truly important
when we know the heart 
of what "it" is.

Oh sweet "it".
If only I could capture 
that for which "it" 
has captured me.

And if "it" has captured me,
"It" is all the "it" my life needs.

Is "it" about me?
Yes, a million times yes.
Jesus came to give "it".
Is "it" about me?
No, a million times no.
"It" is Jesus Christ.
"It" began with Him,
initiated by Him, 
given through Him 
and is all for Him. 
And all that He is 
was given for you.

"It is not a fact that I have already
secured it or already reached perfection,
but I am pressing on to see if I can
capture it, the ideal for which I was 
captured by Christ Jesus.

Brothers, I do not think I have captured 
it yet, but here is my one inspiration, 
so forgetting what is behind me 
and reaching out for what is ahead
of me, I am pressing onward
toward the goal, to win the prize
to which God through Jesus Christ
is called us upward."
Philippians 3:12-14
(Williams Translation)

So today, in your life,
when things don't make sense
or the season seems dark
or maybe you just aren't content
and you feel bad for making it 
all about you.
Take your eyes off the it of yourself
and put your eyes back on the it
that wants to capture your attention.
And it's OK if your focus has been off
and you've struggled with seeing rightly.
Read afresh Colossians 3 and Philippians 3 and let God capture you afresh with His 
Life-giving Words.  This process is quite normal to press onward towards each day as you are called upward by Jesus Christ.
