Slavery Unveiled in Hearts

There is something that is born 
in the heart of man 
that makes its appearance 
whether small or grand.

It can be subtle 
and hides behind excuses 
and points a finger to blame.

It can be as openly blatant
as stuffing a ships cargo hold 
with human beings 
and taking away their freedom.

The sinful heart always wants 
to take and take and take. 
It likes to make others dependant
and in its full unveiled face,
it likes to make them slaves.

We see it often in life.
That church that cannot support
one of its members because
the member feels God pulling their heart
to another country than the one
that church supports.

We see it in families 
where they talk behind your back
and to your children 
when you decide to move away
and relocate to another state.

We see it in people who don't like
what you do or how you do it
so they won't help you out
and in fact,
they make it more difficult 
for you to move forward.
All the while defending their actions
with smug accusations and threats.

It's slavery.
In its unveiled and uncovered form,
you can see it everywhere.
It's ugly.  It's demonic.
And we see it so often in every place.

And then we have Jesus.
He came to set the captives free.
He came to free all men
in every place
from the slavery of sin and death.

The slavery of sin paid wages,
but the wages always lead to death.
But He came with a gift.
The gift of life!
The gift of freedom!

And when we surrender ourselves 
to Jesus precious words
and allow Him to come 
and soften us and work in us,
that ugly ugly face of slavery
has to bow the knee
and it must go under the 
Light of Jesus precious life.
He came to give us life
and life more abundantly.

Watch out for and be on guard against
the ugly face of slavery
when it appears in your heart.
Let the light of Jesus melt it away.
Let Jesus have control.
Repentance is such a good thing!

(I was thinking how good God's Word
is and being in fellowship with Him.
It really softens us on the inside
and helps us see where we are 
enslaving others through our own
nature.  It helps us see when we are
not encouraging others or outflowing
words of Gods life and encouraging
them to go as God leads.  He leads 
each of us in ways we may never 
understand and it isn't a cookie cutter
kind of thing.  God is creative, infinite,
all knowing and powerful and He does
with each of us what pleases Him.
Especially those yielding to His heart.
So we don't have to be greedy graspers
of those around us and stifle them so we can keep them.  We can release those around us with all the love and freedom He desires for them.  Some people are so awesome you want to do all you can to keep them but in the end, you find you're just being selfish.  And then your actions are more about your own self and that always turns out ugly.  But you know what I've learned?  When we give and love and are open handed, we never really lose - we actually receive more - but it's more of God's ways and His timing and His life flow.  If we just don't give in to fear!  We will always have enough with God.  Always!!)
