Take Time. Enjoy Beauty

Sometimes, you just have to stop.
There are moments that can quickly
pass by, the flowering trees
of springtime being one of them.
There is a small window of time
where the blooms are vibrant
and at their peak of color.
If you are careful enough in life
to pay close attention,
you can put some things aside
to soak in the fleeting beauty.
The peak of my redbud trees’ 

most brilliant vibrancy has ended.
But I enjoyed each day
that it was
and I don’t regret a single minute.
Once they’re gone, they’re gone.
I will enjoy the color that’s left,
even as the heart-shaped leaves
are beginning to take shape
and grow into maturity.
Take time.
Enjoy the process.
Take time to breath in the beauty.
Listen in the quiet as you gaze.
Lay down the distractions.
Pioneer a different trail
and find one that leads you
beside still waters
away from the crowds, the rush,
the pressures to be someone
or perform.
Sometimes we may think
that chasing our dreams
is the answer,
but find it all a mirage instead.
God encapsulates all.
Nothing we can have or desire here
compares with knowing Him.
In the end we find
that all we thought
was worth chasing
never brings the happiness
we think we will find when we get
whatever it is we chased.
And it’s there that realization dawns.
God is the answer to it all.
He is the fulfillment
to our antsy souls deepest needs.
And we return.
And find His rest.
He is our true home. 

One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord , and to enquire in his temple.”
Psalm 27:4
