The Spring Storms

It was riding our backside
and the rear-view mirrors
reflected the ominous black.
They were coming in waves tonight,
these spring storms.
We had passed through
one tremendous cloudburst
as we headed North.
We saw the rain coming down ahead
in wavy, vertical sheets -
much like a gauze curtain
swaying and blowing in the wind.
Then we were caught in it
and the sound and fierceness
was much like going through
a car wash, but this one was free.

We pulled into our garage
just in time
for the first lightening flash
of this second storm
to streak across the sky.
Excitedly the word’s
“let’s make coffee and sit out
on the front porch” were made
and we did just that.
Two cups of organic Guatemalan
with hot, foamy organic cream
was poured over the cane sugar
and we grabbed a soft fleece blanket
as we headed out
to the 103 year old front porch.
It was lovely sitting outside
swinging on the cozy swing.
Lightening flashed and
the thunder resounded.
To view a thunderstorm like this
on the covered porch
is a dream come true.
My daughter sharing her heart -
digging deeply to memories
of her childhood watching storms.
I have always loved storms.
How often I would take my little ones
out to watch them come
until the rains would drive us in.

The coffee we sipped as we reminisced
was creamy and delicious.
Even as the rains slanted towards us
and misted our faces,
we hunkered just a little deeper
together under the blanket.
Small petals from close flowering trees
filtered down around us
and one petal landed in my coffee.
The temperature of the air
completely perfect for this spring night.
A movement in black and white
caught my eyes just across the street.
It was our kitty, Gracie.
She wanted to cross the busy road
and the rain came down heavily
and thankfully, discouraged her.
My daughter ran across to her rescue
where she was scooped up
under the umbrella
and brought safely home.
She was towel-dried
and now warm and cozy
on the enclosed back porch.
Now the family is enjoying
the last sounds of rain dripping
from the trees
and the frogs singing -
sounds coming through open-door screen.
Loving this warm, wet, spring night.
To me, this is what it means
to take advantage of nights like these.
