You Had Me At “Meadow”
This kind of weather always reminds me
of what it might be like
to live in Ireland.
I have friends who live there.
A message floated to my inbox
and I read the magical words.
You see, I wasn’t planning on going out.
But certain words seemingly lit up
from the page.
You typed the word “meadow.”
I saw a couple words that said,
“cup, coffee”.
Then another two words in a sentence,
“blossoms” and “fragrant”.
You had me at “meadow”.
How do you know just the right thing?
Giving what you know others need
in what you do and say.
Walking with coffee in hand
and delightful company
is my most favorite thing.
It is something that makes me
ever so happy
and pulls at heart string.
Your meadow did not disappoint.
Those flowering trees awed and amazed.
That fragrance of lilac,
the colors of delicate blooms.
The wild strawberries
and the tiny baby ferns.
The nooks and spaces
hidden within the trees.
The paths that went this way
and that and the beckoning.
“Each year, I enjoy this yard
more and more”, was uttered.
I smiled at the depth of meaning.
You see, when something is planted,
it grows.
Each year it grows bigger
and blooms get fuller
and new life forms as things
spread life by the seeds it releases.
And as things grow,
the changes are more fruitful
and thus there is enjoyment
in the progression.
Made me think of how God
could enjoy His precious people
as they grow up in His life and love
and become more and more
and affect all around them
to produce more life.
Interesting how walks and talks
are more fruitful than anyone
can even realize.
There is something about the heart
affected by the fresh air,
the sights, sounds and circulation.
And there are things said
without it being a huge effort
because of the joy of being out
in nature.
The heart can stretch and breath
and share and be heard.
It’s a beautiful thing.
Thank you for blessing me
with your invitation.
What an amazing thing a day can hold.
Today was a loving surprise for sure.

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