You Are Nourished And Cherished
The rain is softly falling
and I love the sounds
as the cars drive by
on the rain-soaked pavement.
It’s cool out and whenever
there is rain mixed with cool temps,
my home feels extra warm and cozy.
A quiet morning.
and I love the sounds
as the cars drive by
on the rain-soaked pavement.
It’s cool out and whenever
there is rain mixed with cool temps,
my home feels extra warm and cozy.
A quiet morning.
And all this
is the backdrop for my mind
to want to hear and explore deeply.
I dropped my daughter off at school
and on arriving back at home,
I turned on the espresso maker
and went to grab my favorite mug.
It was at that moment
that I contemplated the thought
of how well we take care of ourselves.
I’ve often heard in religious circles
that to deeply enjoy times of care
for oneself isn’t right
and I’ve struggled with it
from time to time.
So I was talking to God about this
as I prepared a piece of toast.
“We take good care of ourselves
and isn’t it right that we do this?
I questioned aloud.
My question was a bit more
on the side of
is the backdrop for my mind
to want to hear and explore deeply.
I dropped my daughter off at school
and on arriving back at home,
I turned on the espresso maker
and went to grab my favorite mug.
It was at that moment
that I contemplated the thought
of how well we take care of ourselves.
I’ve often heard in religious circles
that to deeply enjoy times of care
for oneself isn’t right
and I’ve struggled with it
from time to time.
So I was talking to God about this
as I prepared a piece of toast.
“We take good care of ourselves
and isn’t it right that we do this?
I questioned aloud.
My question was a bit more
on the side of
a contemplative statement with Him
and in the back of my mind
has been the verse where Jesus
said that if anyone would follow Him
they must pick up their cross daily
in order to do so.
At that very moment,
the words “nourisheth and cherisheth”
came to mind.
This might seem odd
that a couple words
and in the back of my mind
has been the verse where Jesus
said that if anyone would follow Him
they must pick up their cross daily
in order to do so.
At that very moment,
the words “nourisheth and cherisheth”
came to mind.
This might seem odd
that a couple words
in the King James style
would come to me, but I grew up
reading the Bible in that version.
And I recalled this verse:
“For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones”.
Ephesians 5:29-30
Nourish and cherish.
Aren’t these two words just the best?
My heart was flooded with peace
as I reflected on these words.
The Lord Himself nourishes and
cherishes the members of His body.
Each one of His children make up
His body. Together, we are His church
where He dwells.
I’ve often thought over the years
that God is better to us than we are
to ourselves.
He truly is.
And I mean it.
would come to me, but I grew up
reading the Bible in that version.
And I recalled this verse:
“For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones”.
Ephesians 5:29-30
Nourish and cherish.
Aren’t these two words just the best?
My heart was flooded with peace
as I reflected on these words.
The Lord Himself nourishes and
cherishes the members of His body.
Each one of His children make up
His body. Together, we are His church
where He dwells.
I’ve often thought over the years
that God is better to us than we are
to ourselves.
He truly is.
And I mean it.
His heart is deeply invested
in those who are called by His name.
He nourishes and cherishes you.
How often the enemy of God
wants you to believe the opposite
and pushes and prods you with the lie
and herds you into a frenzy
of religious thoughts and works.
“Do more. You don’t do enough.”
“Be busy and go after power positions.”
“You may miss out if you aren’t doing
this thing or that.”
“Don’t take the time for yourself
to find rest for your soul. That is evil.”
“Give in to that cultural pressure.”
God is a God of nurture.
He cherishes each one of us.
To cherish is:
“to hold dear : feel or show affection for
“to keep or cultivate with care and affection : nurture”
“to entertain or harbor in the mind deeply and resolutely.”
(Merriam-Webster definition)
When I know I am cherished by God
and truly live in a cherished place,
I am a totally different person.
I’m not driven. I have great purpose.
I’m not needy. I have my deepest need met.
I’m not missing out. For all I need to have and know will be revealed when necessary.
I’m not rejected. I’m fully loved by the One that truly matters the most.
I’m not craving recognition. I am fully known and loved. I’m led by God beside still waters and wrapped up in His love.
What a love!
To be nurtured and cherished
To truly rest in this place
we are in with God.
Now we can walk in His Presence
and be His everlasting dwelling place.
We can nurture His Presence
and be hidden in it.
And share His Presence
with all who come near.
Nourished and Cherished.
That is what you are!
in those who are called by His name.
He nourishes and cherishes you.
How often the enemy of God
wants you to believe the opposite
and pushes and prods you with the lie
and herds you into a frenzy
of religious thoughts and works.
“Do more. You don’t do enough.”
“Be busy and go after power positions.”
“You may miss out if you aren’t doing
this thing or that.”
“Don’t take the time for yourself
to find rest for your soul. That is evil.”
“Give in to that cultural pressure.”
God is a God of nurture.
He cherishes each one of us.
To cherish is:
“to hold dear : feel or show affection for
“to keep or cultivate with care and affection : nurture”
“to entertain or harbor in the mind deeply and resolutely.”
(Merriam-Webster definition)
When I know I am cherished by God
and truly live in a cherished place,
I am a totally different person.
I’m not driven. I have great purpose.
I’m not needy. I have my deepest need met.
I’m not missing out. For all I need to have and know will be revealed when necessary.
I’m not rejected. I’m fully loved by the One that truly matters the most.
I’m not craving recognition. I am fully known and loved. I’m led by God beside still waters and wrapped up in His love.
What a love!
To be nurtured and cherished
To truly rest in this place
we are in with God.
Now we can walk in His Presence
and be His everlasting dwelling place.
We can nurture His Presence
and be hidden in it.
And share His Presence
with all who come near.
Nourished and Cherished.
That is what you are!
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