Sweet Rest is Found in Relationship

The man at the store
asked if we were sisters.
We looked at each other
with eyes sparkling and big grins.

"Yes and no",
we tried to explain...
"not biological, but yes,
none the same."

Today was special
and I am learning to embrace
each and every moment
and all the little things.

I love this dear friend.
I love her laugh,
the twinkle of her eyes,
her smile
and the freckles on her face.

I love every blond moment
and laugh when she forgets.
I can almost always get her
and she has a hard time
getting me back.

I love the way she is like me
and all the ways she is different.
If opposites attract,
with us, there is a big attraction!

Her daughter asked me
if she could hide my car keys
and I just had to laugh.
Her daughter is two
and already picked up
the traits of her Mother,
who always wishes me to stay.

We both have learned
to seize each moment.
We do the things we must.
Then we enjoy sweet reflection
and unrushed heart to heart.

I love this friend.
We have persevered together
through the thick and the thin.
It is worth every bit.

You can't hide a love of this kind.
I don't even want to.
A sister is made.
A miracle, I'd say.

Thank you Jesus for your love
to me through this friend.
I have never seen God,
but I have experienced His love
through her.

The Holy Spirit is sensitive
to each of our needs
as He speaks to our heart
ever so gently,
opening up our heart
to be sensitive in every way.
Sweet rest is found
in relationship.
