You Helped Me Work Things Out

You've been offensive to me.
And it has been hard.
The focus I enjoy,
seemingly dissed and destroyed.

But I search and find in you
the things I love.
And as much as I am bothered,
I let all the other stuff go.

You see, we have a choice.
We can stew about the differences.
We can gossip and fume.
We can stamp our feet
and sit on our throne.

Or we can come down.
And see the best in the other.
We can cry out to God.
And we can soak Him up, regardless.

And no cup that continues to be filled
has a choice of whether or not it overflows.
It just does.

I know things have been hard.
I know we are different.
But I love you.
No matter what.

Sure, I have to work this out.
I've snubbed you a time or two.
I've been impatient.
I couldn't stand hearing one more thing.

But I was wrong.
And the Holy Spirit yearns for me.
And I can't live without Him.

So I cry.
And I share my pain.
And God is faithful to make a way of escape
in every temptation.

I want to be like Jesus.
I really do.
So I work out my salvation.
Like the tide has an ebb and flow.

I want to shine like the stars in the universe
as I hold out the Word of Life.
And you help me my friend.
Thank you!
