Depression Is A Sign That You Need To Recharge

When our spirit is troubled
and the light that should be
has become unfulfilled darkness
in a term we call depression.

When day after day
comes and it goes
and what we should find joy in
we simply don't.

My friend, your spirit is crying out
for something more.
The world and all its pleasures
and all your heart has been told
to treasure
finds it all like the mirage
shimmering in the desert.

You were made for much more
and your spirit is crying inside
because it needs the beauty
of the life that only
the sweet presence of God
can give to you.

There is a sweet exchange
that happens in the time
we enjoy our precious God.
He takes whatever baggage
you've accumulated over time
that you don't even know is there
and He gives you a recharge,
fuel to carry on;
A joy that is hard to explain;
A hope like a fountain
springing forth from His depth.
A new perception of everything
that surrounds you.
Childlike faith that see's
His wonder and beauty anew.

Oh my friend,
if you are experiencing depression,
it is because you are in need
of a change.
God is speaking to you
to come and soak in Him.
He has something He wants
to impart especially for you.

But be prepared to hear
His heartbeat and to walk with Him
on new paths.
He doesn't want to freshen
you to walk on old paths,
He will breath life afresh in you
AND place you on a new path...
It's time to make a change.
He makes all things new
in His time.
And it is time for you.
