Religion Pushes And It Shoves

I am beginning to realize how much religion has pushed and shoved my delicate spirit to a state of anxiety and fear too many times throughout my life.

There were the years I was helpless and defenseless against it because of lack of my own understanding and the way things were said and demanded making its appeal through manipulation of God's precious words, through paranoia and fear, through a lens that wanted everything and everyone to follow its rigid laws and rules but didn't tell the whole story of redemption and what Jesus came to bring through what He did.

I hate religion.  Hate IS a strong word.  And I know I'm not the only one.  Religion hates.  It hates people.  It hates the precious life and love through grace that Jesus is.  It hates that it can't twist its ugly face to do to you what it so wishes it could.  It has to maintain its pride so it always acts superior and stands on its clauses and its little ugly back doors to the beautiful promises made but it likes to pull in the fear to try and make you feel condemnation and the hell-fire.  It truly hates you if you don't conform and especially if you truly know the precious Jesus and His Word.  And if you do, it'll push and push and shove and shove and accuse and twist and look for any and every area of your life where it can knife you with words inspired by Satan's accusations.  It aligns with the accuser and is Satan's advocate in flesh and bone.

Those who have experienced its evil grasp and have been pushed and shoved into conforming are in need of the largest space from it that they can find.  They need to experience the love and peace found in Christ every single day.  They need to hear nothing of its evil voice and they don't want to be near anyone who resemble what they've put up with.  Those who are staunch in religion think darkly of these precious beloved children of God.  They don't understand why we can't conform.  But God knows.  God understands.  God's Spirit is doing a good work even though their lives might look like He isn't.  The voice of the enemy doesn't need any help and so for those who have heard the evil voice of religion, they need to feast on God and read the Bible with a new viewpoint.  Read and enjoy a God who is for you precious one.  A God who loved us so much that He sent His only Son to identify with us in every way.  Who knew pain.  Who knew rejection.  Who was also accused and taunted  by religion.  Who was constantly thought evil of by them for not conforming to their world.  He loved His Father and His Father loved Him.  He knew the relationship of steadfast love and faithfulness in the face of all He saw and was told.

Our generation is tired.  We've been pushed and shoved and God says "enough".  He is done with it too.  He see's your tears.  He has felt the anguish of your heart.  He is indignant over the confusion it has thrown you into and the fact you turn away from everything because you can't trust what came from any of it.  He is calling you by His Spirit to love and trust Him.  Not religion.  Him.  Read with eyes fresh with the knowledge that He loved you first.  Sit with Him and cry over the abuse you experienced all your life.  Lay your head on Him and let Him wrap you in His arms.  He is here.  He has never left you or forsaken you.  And He HATES religion too!
