Human Beings Are A Funny Bunch
I think about life
and the strange way it affects
each of us in different ways.
We get tired
of the same old life we have;
when we go out
and find a new one,
we miss the friends we had
that we left behind.
We think nostalgically
of the landscape and places
we used to enjoy.
Easily distracted,
we lose the magic
of the beauty in the simple
everyday habits.
We are a funny bunch.
We forget sometimes that
a tree isn't birthed
by a random thought
or that it doesn't become
what it becomes by chance.
It is formed by a seed.
In that seed is the information
that tells everything that tree
will be.
Once it is planted,
it may bend in places
due to the wind
or grow at odd angles
and sometimes even intertwine
with a tree next to it;
but that never changes
what the tree actually is.
We are a funny bunch.
We lose sight
of the workings of the divine
and what of life truly matters
due to pressures in so many forms.
There are pressures to conform,
pressure to think your emotions
are the guiding factor.
Pressure to believe voices
that are whispers
from the dark caverns
of the enemy of all that is pure,
right and good.
We tend to fall for what is false,
soak up what is popular,
shirk the disciplines
of the very thing that is eternal
because we don't actually see
the finished product
of what our lives eternally become.
Look at the tree nearest you.
Is it struggling to pull itself
free of roots that go down deep?
Is it straining hard to try
and form leaves in the spring?
Is it crying
because of the barren winter?
Is it trying to protect itself
from the wind and rain,
the cold and ice or
the hot beating sun?
We could learn so much
from observing the process
of a mighty tree.
But how we love the shade
it brings us and the sweet fruit
its branches bear.
How we love the beauty
of the sun streaming through it
giving us sparkling winks of light.
We love how the leaves
can almost look translucent
in the light
of the afternoon sun.
We love how the wind sweeps
through and sways
the delicate branches
and moves the leaves
into making a unique, melodic
cascade of sound
we have a hard time explaining
or allow ourselves the pleasure
to sit and simply enjoy.
Oh we are a funny bunch.
If only we would stop
and take some time
to enjoy the beauty
of the Divine.
God chose to make US
from the seed of Himself.
We are made in His image.
How that might just change
the perspective of our world
fashioned by brilliant design.
In Christ are all the treasures
of wisdom and knowledge.
And God was in Christ
reconciling the world (you)
to Himself.
And through your life and mine,
He speaks,
"Be reconciled to God".
and the strange way it affects
each of us in different ways.
We get tired
of the same old life we have;
when we go out
and find a new one,
we miss the friends we had
that we left behind.
We think nostalgically
of the landscape and places
we used to enjoy.
Easily distracted,
we lose the magic
of the beauty in the simple
everyday habits.
We are a funny bunch.
We forget sometimes that
a tree isn't birthed
by a random thought
or that it doesn't become
what it becomes by chance.
It is formed by a seed.
In that seed is the information
that tells everything that tree
will be.
Once it is planted,
it may bend in places
due to the wind
or grow at odd angles
and sometimes even intertwine
with a tree next to it;
but that never changes
what the tree actually is.
We are a funny bunch.
We lose sight
of the workings of the divine
and what of life truly matters
due to pressures in so many forms.
There are pressures to conform,
pressure to think your emotions
are the guiding factor.
Pressure to believe voices
that are whispers
from the dark caverns
of the enemy of all that is pure,
right and good.
We tend to fall for what is false,
soak up what is popular,
shirk the disciplines
of the very thing that is eternal
because we don't actually see
the finished product
of what our lives eternally become.
Look at the tree nearest you.
Is it struggling to pull itself
free of roots that go down deep?
Is it straining hard to try
and form leaves in the spring?
Is it crying
because of the barren winter?
Is it trying to protect itself
from the wind and rain,
the cold and ice or
the hot beating sun?
We could learn so much
from observing the process
of a mighty tree.
But how we love the shade
it brings us and the sweet fruit
its branches bear.
How we love the beauty
of the sun streaming through it
giving us sparkling winks of light.
We love how the leaves
can almost look translucent
in the light
of the afternoon sun.
We love how the wind sweeps
through and sways
the delicate branches
and moves the leaves
into making a unique, melodic
cascade of sound
we have a hard time explaining
or allow ourselves the pleasure
to sit and simply enjoy.
Oh we are a funny bunch.
If only we would stop
and take some time
to enjoy the beauty
of the Divine.
God chose to make US
from the seed of Himself.
We are made in His image.
How that might just change
the perspective of our world
fashioned by brilliant design.
In Christ are all the treasures
of wisdom and knowledge.
And God was in Christ
reconciling the world (you)
to Himself.
And through your life and mine,
He speaks,
"Be reconciled to God".
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