The Silence Had Substance

It was a rainy, dark day as I ran an errand to deliver the recyclables to the row of bins tucked along the back of our local park.  The day was warm, much warmer than normal on this day in mid-October.  The park was empty and there wasn't the usual cars parked along the inside of the main entrance nor any children playing happily on the swingsets.  The baseball field was quiet and dusk was knocking on darkness door.

I finished sorting the flattened cardboard from the cereal boxes and junk mail and into their appropriate bins.  Knocking the last tiny bits of this and that from my recycle box, I placed it back in the car and closed the door.

The silence of the park drew me to stop and close my eyes as I faced the bank of the river.  Frogs were singing in the stillness of the twilight.  My soul felt a deep sense of need as I stood there and tears began to fall.  If only I had enough courage to stay out there alone to soak up what my soul needed in that moment.  There was something there in this silence that was more than just silence.  There was substance.  There was a knowing that the handiwork of God wasn't some abstract thing but even in His creation, there was his glory being declared.  He felt so near.  It was a moment that took hold of my inner being and let me hear.  It was beautiful.

It's been awhile since I've enjoyed any alone time outdoors.  It made me think and appreciate how much silence with God conveys more meaning than words with men.  How He can impart more in one moment of silence with Him alone than hours upon hours of the noise of this whole world.
