A Masterpiece Is Created By Knowing The Master
Too often, our times with God is like taking a trip to the Art Museum. There is the excitement of the journey to get there. We park and then pay to get in. Then we sit and gaze at the works of the Artist(s) and even sing the praises of the works of this and that. Then we get back in the car and go home. We may think about the experience throughout the week, tweet quotes, post pictures on Instagram, wow our friends with pictures and videos on Facebook of glorious sights and the prestige of seeing this piece and that. The moment looking was so wonderful that we look forward to the next time we get to go or the next works we get to see.
But ah, imagine being able to meet with one of the artists yourself. A rare few have had moments where they’ve gotten to meet the actual artist behind their works. Those chance encounters are remarkable.
Now imagine if you will, that there was an opportunity for you to know the artist personally. To walk with that person and to have them interact with you and share with you their life. And yours with them. You become so well known to one another and the one loves to be with you and visa versa. You have a fellowship together that is enriching in every way. There is no need in you to go off and see the artist works once a week anymore. You don’t have to stand on the opposite end of a roped off area to squint at something the artist painted.
Our walk with God was meant to be intimate and close. In fact, He lives inside of us. In union with Him we are actually one Spirit with Him. Can you even imagine what life is like being spiritually one with God? It’s the most breath-taking and special relationship that you can ever have. This kind of Life is what God created you for. Going to an Art Museum and watching a by-product once a year or even once a week and then going home to live another life apart from the Artist is not what was intended in this life. You were made to be one with Him. Loving Him, knowing Him, hearing His heart, listening as He conveys to you so much throughout your day. Being loved by Him and finding your deepest fulfillment fulfilled. What miraculous transformation can occur when it is 24-7 with the Master and not just an experience of a trip to a Museum.
Now I know that you understand somewhat of the thought being presented here. How can we be satisfied with a weekly visit when we get to dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide in His shadow?
But ah, imagine being able to meet with one of the artists yourself. A rare few have had moments where they’ve gotten to meet the actual artist behind their works. Those chance encounters are remarkable.
Now imagine if you will, that there was an opportunity for you to know the artist personally. To walk with that person and to have them interact with you and share with you their life. And yours with them. You become so well known to one another and the one loves to be with you and visa versa. You have a fellowship together that is enriching in every way. There is no need in you to go off and see the artist works once a week anymore. You don’t have to stand on the opposite end of a roped off area to squint at something the artist painted.
Our walk with God was meant to be intimate and close. In fact, He lives inside of us. In union with Him we are actually one Spirit with Him. Can you even imagine what life is like being spiritually one with God? It’s the most breath-taking and special relationship that you can ever have. This kind of Life is what God created you for. Going to an Art Museum and watching a by-product once a year or even once a week and then going home to live another life apart from the Artist is not what was intended in this life. You were made to be one with Him. Loving Him, knowing Him, hearing His heart, listening as He conveys to you so much throughout your day. Being loved by Him and finding your deepest fulfillment fulfilled. What miraculous transformation can occur when it is 24-7 with the Master and not just an experience of a trip to a Museum.
Now I know that you understand somewhat of the thought being presented here. How can we be satisfied with a weekly visit when we get to dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide in His shadow?
If you stand in my shadow, it means you are very close to me. I’m a pretty tall person and I can get several people to stand inside my shadow while standing in the sunlight. Being that close is a special privilege. Now imagine God, being near Him is nothing short of transformation. No one who is that close to God remains unchanged. One cannot abide with God and not have a life-changing experience moment to moment.
There will be fruit. Fruit will flow from your life. The product of such a life being lived by God’s precious Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. God’s Spirit is guiding you, His cravings are opposite of your own, your lower nature with its passions and evil cravings has been crucified with Christ because you belong to Him.
When one is in union with the Lord and spiritually one with Him, there is His Divine Presence active and present. When you touch someone, God’s Presence flows. You just know along with God’s Spirit what another truly needs. Divine Life is imparted to another person in need automatically in the moment. It’s often that when God’s Spirit is moving in a meeting or in daily life situations where I just want to touch a person whether in grabbing a hand to pray or just placing my hand along a persons back or on their shoulder. Interesting how the Spirit leads. It’s mostly in a quiet come-alongside kind of way rather than anything showy. It’s less wordy and more God doing His thing and imparting His Life in the interaction. It can be a very short moment when it’s done with His gentle leading.
The point is dear friends, to stay close to God and let everything go but to know Him and be in union with His heart. Fruit will happen. Lives will be touched. Because Life with God isn’t a visit or chance encounter. It’s a 24-7 lifestyle. It is what we were made for.
1 Corinthians 6, Galatians 5
There will be fruit. Fruit will flow from your life. The product of such a life being lived by God’s precious Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. God’s Spirit is guiding you, His cravings are opposite of your own, your lower nature with its passions and evil cravings has been crucified with Christ because you belong to Him.
When one is in union with the Lord and spiritually one with Him, there is His Divine Presence active and present. When you touch someone, God’s Presence flows. You just know along with God’s Spirit what another truly needs. Divine Life is imparted to another person in need automatically in the moment. It’s often that when God’s Spirit is moving in a meeting or in daily life situations where I just want to touch a person whether in grabbing a hand to pray or just placing my hand along a persons back or on their shoulder. Interesting how the Spirit leads. It’s mostly in a quiet come-alongside kind of way rather than anything showy. It’s less wordy and more God doing His thing and imparting His Life in the interaction. It can be a very short moment when it’s done with His gentle leading.
The point is dear friends, to stay close to God and let everything go but to know Him and be in union with His heart. Fruit will happen. Lives will be touched. Because Life with God isn’t a visit or chance encounter. It’s a 24-7 lifestyle. It is what we were made for.
1 Corinthians 6, Galatians 5
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