What A Difference A Light Weed-Whacker Makes

Jesus said that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. Have you ever had to handle a gas-operated weed-whacker? I’ve used many over the years and the power that they have is just too much for my frail frame. I might be able to get some weeds whacked down, but to really control the thing takes more strength than I could ever handle and the job isn’t able to be precisely done. My arms and hands are shaking and my shoulders just ache. And that’s with trying to do the job without the ability to do it really well.

But a few years back, my husband purchased an electric weed-whacker and I was amazed at how light it was. I could easily hold it without straining my muscles while it’s going. Once I have my extension cord in place and plugged into the outlet, I am able to handle the power in a way that causes me to be very effective at the job and even to go well beyond that to precisely edging the sidewalks and getting to  those weeds that grow deep into the concrete grooves. I can do the job for hours and it is actually fun to use and even though I may be sweating and working in the hot sun, I love using it! It is really powerful...not the same intensely unmanageable power that comes in the gas-powered ones, but I can handle this power because it is easy to hold and lightweight.  That kind of power doesn’t need to be as rip-roaring to do a much better job because it can be handled well.

While I was weed-whacking recently, the parallel of this hit me. When I am plugged into the source (Christ) and I take on HIS yoke and burden, I can handle the power HE gives to accomplish His purpose. He gives me strength to accomplish things I could never do otherwise. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He shows us how to live this life and heals us as we take those steps to live life His way. He helps release us of having to be in control of everything and making decisions based on fear. We can learn to abide in His rest and stay in that rest as we come to Him. What an interesting life lived plugged into the Source.

“Come to me,
all of you
who toil and
carry burdens,
and I,
yes, I,
will lead you
into rest.

Put on my yoke,
and learn from me,
for I am gentle
and humble
in heart,
and you will find
for your souls,

for the yoke
I offer
is easy to wear,
and the load
I ask
is light to bear.”
Matthew 11:28-30
(Williams Translation)
