A Track Record Of Personability

I recently watched a movie where the main character does something that saves the entire world each and every time. He has a team that works with him to accomplish his mission. I love how the movies have developed over the years. This last one (currently in the theater), stood out to me because he was faced with an enemy within, within his own team. And although this enemy within had so much seeming evidence against the main character where he could have been taken out of his “saving the world” role, it was because of his ongoing character and track record where he cared for the one enough to save them. He chose to care for human life when he could have chosen a different decision and possibly saved himself so much more harm. His team knew this about him and even the director chose to be on his team because of that factor...his ongoing character. The bad guys on the other hand, were willing to sacrifice millions to make their own point clear. The bad guys could even care less for their own team members unless it furthered their agenda.

Another show my husband and I watch is a woman who is Secretary of State. Each episode she works tirelessly to “save the world” in her diplomatic way. She has to make some tough decisions that most people don’t understand and the oppositional voices are loud and boisterous that stand against her. This last episode we watched, a reporter was allowed to follow her around for two days to see her do what she does daily in the most closest level, in full. He himself (the reporter), wrestled with his own opinions of her diplomacy and even seemed on the side of her opponents. In this time together, he was able to voice his concerns over some of her diplomatic decisions as they rode together and walked together to this meeting and that, to her home and meeting of her husband and children. Her personability and frankness with him in all his questioning, her coming back to hearing his thoughts and not getting too defensive but even letting him know that his questioning of her did have value. She even took time as she found out he had written a book describing what he thought to be questioning decisions she had made in her career, and told him personally that he should publish it because it was very good. All that he was able to see of her because he was able to become close....changed his viewpoint of her. Even when her enemies approached him because they found out he was in her inner circle for the day, offering him $200,000 to reveal to them some things only he knew because he was close - that tempting offer he turned down.

You see, we can think we know something. We can think we have our own opinion on someone all-wrapped-up, in our own mind. But it’s not until we know a person intimately and get to experience their character in the long haul that we can truly see what is genuine and real. We can build up quite a case against someone and genuinely believe our own case with all our heart. We can be completely deceived in our own minds.

This reporter had been invited to be close to the Secretary of State because he came with no agenda. Now we know (and in this episode, it was told to him that everyone has an agenda), most everyone does have an agenda. But with an agenda, we cannot truly be open and hear and understand. An agenda blocks us from genuinely seeing and hearing and knowing.

We often have certain notions and cemented thoughts about God. We build up a case in our minds and the enemies of God support that mindset with seeming concrete evidence. Our own personal agenda’s also block so much and cannot allow us close access. But it’s in the closeness that we hear and see. It’s only in the closeness that what we think we know via oppositional voices and our own personal feelings can be shown for what they are. It’s in the closeness that we begin to see a track-record of the character of God and begin to know that He is truly good because no matter what we have faced in this life, He has been there. He see’s the one. He knows each one of us personally by name. He knows the number of hairs on our heads even when we lose so many each day. The little common sparrow does not die without Him knowing it. We have to give up our case against Him and lay down our own agenda’s. Only then can we become close. And in the closeness we will know Him. We will know. Be still and know that He is God. Be still.....lay down all that you think you know to genuinely know that He is God. Know His goodness.

The young reporter’s wife had been pregnant and that day she delivered a beautiful baby boy. The Secretary of State showed up in the hospital to see his baby and personally congratulate him. He was genuinely surprised by her personability in this tender act. A woman who saves the world and speaks with presidents and leaders coming to see him and his new baby. After she leaves, he leans over and whispers in his baby’s ear, “she will be your president one day.” (His closeness with her in two days changed his heart and mind completely). Oh if we only knew God. How personable He is!

Definition of personability: “the quality or state of being personable”.
