Agenda-Oriented or Christ-Oriented

The agenda's of this world
and the reposting on social media
as if what is seen
is of utmost Christian importance.
We brand it Christian.
We think we have to "speak" up.

When we get a like or two
and a comment
to our side of view,
it fuels a courage
to post a bit more.

But how tiring to read
and re-read on friends walls.
How unlike Christ
this kind of thing is.
We "shout" for OUR right of speech
and the sound is as offensive
as the ones we cry out against.

Christ was about His Fathers business.
He didn't tear down one group
to gain a like or comment.
He was led by the Spirit.

We have to watch that part
in each one of us
that wants to retaliate
in offense towards ones bent
in seeming directionless direction.
They have their direction,
and God's Spirit has His.

We must stay our eyes on Jesus
and concentrate on Him.
Never does that mean
that we are unconscious
of the things that go on
around us
but we are in tune
to the heavenly kingdom
and we are in agreement
with Christ.

When that old religious spirit
wants to take a good whack
at something and call it
"in the name of Christ",
keep in mind the ones who
will take what you say
and the dark tinge of the old nature
and be led to believe
that this is how a good Christian
Most of the time it isn't.
