My Daughter Has A Beautiful Pondering Heart of Wisdom

I so enjoy going out with my daughter.
We love to have spontaneous outings
of trying new food at the super cool
restaurants around our hometown.

This last week, we tried out a diner.
I remember the first time I saw it.
I was only about eleven years old.
My family drove into town
for the very first time
in our old 1970's station wagon.
And there I spotted that diner.
It's been at least fifteen years
since I'd been in to enjoy the place.

After school, feeling a need
to get out of the house
for some fun,
we jumped in our van
and headed over to the diner.

Not easy to find a place to park,
we made our way in
and found a cozy booth space
by the long row of windows
facing the road.

It was as vintage and cozy
as when I remembered.
I don't think much has changed.
But enough about the diner.

I love conversations with my daughter.
She shares things about observations
she has made of life and relationships.
We delve into these topics
and enjoy bringing up issues
surrounding these topics and the why's.
We laugh at common feelings
she & I have.
And feelings all her own.
We talk about right heart attitudes
we should work towards
that align with God's.

Life isn't easy.
And the stresses,
the need for wisdom
and how to handle things
in a Godly and delicate way
can be highlighted
like the facets of a diamond
in brilliant light.
Sharing food is a good time
for heart overflow.

I enjoy that even when she was little,
she'd get so upset if I just said no
but didn't explain to her little heart
the reasons or explain why I had
to be firm.

She loves relationship.
She loves to be loved for who she is.
She loves when just her and I go out
and I get to pay special attention to her.

I love that she can feel this way.
I love how she loves to be loved.
And yet somehow, she see's beyond
selfishness and works to see my side,
others and God's side as well.

I love how she is getting a good handle
on human nature
and to be a caring, wise young lady.

I tell her often that she cannot attribute
this wisdom to anything but God in her.
And I tell her to never get lazy
in her relationship with Him
because the wisdom from above
is so precious to have
and maintain.
It is first pure, then peaceable,
gentle, willing to yield,
full of compassion and good deeds,
free from doubts and insincerity.
I love how James in the bible
describes this wisdom from above.
And I am thankful for my daughter
and her kindness to me
and her love.
