I Sat Beside A Man

It was dark outside as my family and I entered the building.
We checked in at the front desk
and as we entered the waiting area, a friendly voice calls out loudly to come have a seat and added that we are all just country folk.  He got my attention with his cheerful statement of welcome.  I sat next to him in the corner where he slightly faced me as his back was facing the check-in counter and mine faced the wall.
He seemed interested in the four of us sitting there.  He let me know that he lives outside and as I looked at him with compassion on my face, he tried to console me that he was used to this lifestyle and he was OK.  He had been concerned for a friend of his who had gotten some severe frostbite and he was there to support his friend.
He told me about his children and two who had died.  His eyes filled with tears as he spoke and slid from one of them down his cheek.  He seemed to enjoy my questions about his life and I enjoyed hearing his wistful replies.

I noticed his hands.  They were badly chapped and one of his fingers had a huge gouge in it and he told me that is where he had accidentally burned himself.  I told him his hands looked chapped but he replied that they were much better than his friends' hands who was here with frostbite.

He asked me if I was married and I told him that I had been married for 24 years and had three children.  His youngest of eight was 20 years old and I told him my oldest was 20 as well.

It was quite an experience talking to this man who was only 8 years older than me.  He looked older and at the same time, there was a youthfulness on his face when he talked.  He expressed so much about the importance of family and I felt the regret in his tear-brimmed eyes.

We had to leave the waiting room and when we got back through the area to leave, he was gone.  I looked but didn't see him anywhere outside.

He has been on my heart all morning today.  It is hard to meet someone who lives out in the cold in a tent and not have a deep compassion well up for such a precious person.  I'm praying that he finds a warm home and the love of family and that God will bless him and bring him into His love and rest.  And that God will provide for all his needs.

And my heart longs for something that I cannot do.  May God's everlasting arms wrap that precious man close to His heartbeat.
