Slavery Serves Men, The Message of Freedom Serves God
Have you ever thought why it is so hard to share the good news of Jesus with others? I was thinking about that this morning as I was gazing outside. Distraction-free time is always a good time to think but also a good time for God to speak to your spirit with His. The air was very still and I noticed that nothing moves when there is no wind. “Be still and know that I am God” came to mind. To be still is to be immovable when those times in life hit you where you may not feel a wonderful breath of God. Be still. Be immovable. He is there. He will move on your behalf. He will move when we can’t.
The redbud leaves were covered with droplets of rain and each droplet reflected the cloudy sky above but much more brilliantly. Interesting how water can reflect brightly. Each leaf looks like it is covered in rounded droplets of brilliance, like faceted diamonds in intense light. Just lovely the contrast of the deep green and the bright clarity of the water glittering on them. The leaves are holding their droplets in the stillness. Being immovable has helped them retain the water that reflects the sky above.
Every person in history who has announced freedom has had much attention drawn to them by those who have used slavery to serve their own self-interest.
Paul the Apostle was sharing the freedom message of Christ when a silversmith gathered his workmen and others in similar trades to take action against Paul because his message was costing them “great profits”. Their prosperity depended on their business of manufacturing silver shrines of Artemis. They tried to say that their goddess was in danger of her temple coming into contempt and the worship of her would “soon be dethroned of her majestic glory”, but in all actuality, they were making money from this fake deity, and not a small amount but great. The message of freedom in Christ was unraveling slavery to a false god and dethroning greed and wicked deeds done because of the charade.
So to answer the question of why it may feel hard to share the good news of Christ with others. Freedom is always a costly matter. It makes a HUGE difference in this world. It’s Gods message and serves Him. Even Paul asked for boldness to share God’s message without fear.
The redbud leaves were covered with droplets of rain and each droplet reflected the cloudy sky above but much more brilliantly. Interesting how water can reflect brightly. Each leaf looks like it is covered in rounded droplets of brilliance, like faceted diamonds in intense light. Just lovely the contrast of the deep green and the bright clarity of the water glittering on them. The leaves are holding their droplets in the stillness. Being immovable has helped them retain the water that reflects the sky above.
Every person in history who has announced freedom has had much attention drawn to them by those who have used slavery to serve their own self-interest.
Paul the Apostle was sharing the freedom message of Christ when a silversmith gathered his workmen and others in similar trades to take action against Paul because his message was costing them “great profits”. Their prosperity depended on their business of manufacturing silver shrines of Artemis. They tried to say that their goddess was in danger of her temple coming into contempt and the worship of her would “soon be dethroned of her majestic glory”, but in all actuality, they were making money from this fake deity, and not a small amount but great. The message of freedom in Christ was unraveling slavery to a false god and dethroning greed and wicked deeds done because of the charade.
Or how about when the young slave-girl who had the gift of magical fortune-telling powers was bringing great profits to her owners? When she followed Paul for days, he was “so much annoyed by her”, he rebuked the spirit speaking through her in the name of Jesus and it left her. Her owners profit-making was over. They dragged Paul and Silas to the public square and made all sorts of accusations to the point where they were stripped and flogged and put in jail. Again, slavery brought “great” profit to the people.
Jesus Himself, was sent with a message of freedom. Freedom serves Gods purpose. The religious leaders were furious with Him because His message was leading people away from them and their synagogues were suffering loss of profit and also the religious leaders were being seen as the false leaders they were in holding people captive to a message of slavery. The underlying truth was that this method of religion was bringing in profit to them and keeping people relying of them for respect and honor. Oh how men crave to be recognized and relied on. How subtle and not so subtle slavery can be for the profit of men and service of men. Christ’s message brings freedom. Freedom from sickness, freedom to worship God anywhere....not just in temples or in certain cities or with certain people groups (see Jesus message of freedom to the woman He met at the well in John 4), freedom to live for God without the stricture and structure of organized religion set in certain places and buildings. What a freedom He gave with His message.
Jesus Himself, was sent with a message of freedom. Freedom serves Gods purpose. The religious leaders were furious with Him because His message was leading people away from them and their synagogues were suffering loss of profit and also the religious leaders were being seen as the false leaders they were in holding people captive to a message of slavery. The underlying truth was that this method of religion was bringing in profit to them and keeping people relying of them for respect and honor. Oh how men crave to be recognized and relied on. How subtle and not so subtle slavery can be for the profit of men and service of men. Christ’s message brings freedom. Freedom from sickness, freedom to worship God anywhere....not just in temples or in certain cities or with certain people groups (see Jesus message of freedom to the woman He met at the well in John 4), freedom to live for God without the stricture and structure of organized religion set in certain places and buildings. What a freedom He gave with His message.
So to answer the question of why it may feel hard to share the good news of Christ with others. Freedom is always a costly matter. It makes a HUGE difference in this world. It’s Gods message and serves Him. Even Paul asked for boldness to share God’s message without fear.
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