Enjoy The Process
Washing the french press,
remembering the beauty of flavor
from the last cup
as coffee grounds are rinsed off
and the old oils and coffee residue,
to enjoy the fresh new taste
of today.
I smile and look out my window.
The morning is quiet.
A layer of thin clouds in the distance
has blocked the full rays of the sun
but not enough to light up
the part of the world I see
with a consistent light.
Reaching up to my cupboard
for bag of whole bean coffee,
I inhale delightfully,
The aroma of these beans
kept tightly sealed,
until just now,
escape into my senses.
Pouring in just enough
to grind for full fresh flavor
and before pulse,
I take a look at the beans
lying there.
I pick up a few
and cradle them in one hand.
And I realized something.
How often do we enjoy
the process of life?
How often do we allow ourselves
the pleasure?
Coffee beans are different colors
of brown after roasting.
These particular ones have a slight
oil seeping from them.
These were grown, harvested,
bagged and shipped.
They were roasted for pure pleasure.
They didn't resist the process.
They allowed me to do with them
all that my heart pleased.
And I am enjoying the outcome
as I sit here and write.
My heart is grateful.
Oh to taste and see how good
that the Lord is.
The process He has allowed
distinctly for each one of us
is for His pleasure and enjoyment.
May we be a sweet satisfaction to Him.
May we be a savory offering.
Each morning is new.
Each morning He desires
to partake of us.
And He enjoys the process.
We can enjoy the process of finding Him.
It takes time to enjoy.
It takes deliberation, setting aside,
counting a cost, planning.
It is worth it my friend.
And this cup of coffee sitting beside me
was worth the effort.
Find Him and find life
and obtain favor from the Lord.
remembering the beauty of flavor
from the last cup
as coffee grounds are rinsed off
and the old oils and coffee residue,
to enjoy the fresh new taste
of today.
I smile and look out my window.
The morning is quiet.
A layer of thin clouds in the distance
has blocked the full rays of the sun
but not enough to light up
the part of the world I see
with a consistent light.
Reaching up to my cupboard
for bag of whole bean coffee,
I inhale delightfully,
The aroma of these beans
kept tightly sealed,
until just now,
escape into my senses.
Pouring in just enough
to grind for full fresh flavor
and before pulse,
I take a look at the beans
lying there.
I pick up a few
and cradle them in one hand.
And I realized something.
How often do we enjoy
the process of life?
How often do we allow ourselves
the pleasure?
Coffee beans are different colors
of brown after roasting.
These particular ones have a slight
oil seeping from them.
These were grown, harvested,
bagged and shipped.
They were roasted for pure pleasure.
They didn't resist the process.
They allowed me to do with them
all that my heart pleased.
And I am enjoying the outcome
as I sit here and write.
My heart is grateful.
Oh to taste and see how good
that the Lord is.
The process He has allowed
distinctly for each one of us
is for His pleasure and enjoyment.
May we be a sweet satisfaction to Him.
May we be a savory offering.
Each morning is new.
Each morning He desires
to partake of us.
And He enjoys the process.
We can enjoy the process of finding Him.
It takes time to enjoy.
It takes deliberation, setting aside,
counting a cost, planning.
It is worth it my friend.
And this cup of coffee sitting beside me
was worth the effort.
Find Him and find life
and obtain favor from the Lord.
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