Your Love Shook The Religion Right Out of Me

Your love was simple.
It was different.
And when it didn't look
anything like what I thought,
I stamped.
I fumed.

Religion said,
"My way or the highway."
"You are lower and I am higher."
"I want my way or you will pay."

But you wouldn't have it.

You listened as I ranted.
You took a walk with me as I raved.
You kept inviting me over.
You fed me.
You made coffee.
You sat close.
You challenged me to continue.
And you didn't give up on me.

The dirt became uncovered.
Where it had lay hidden deep,
like in the recesses of a rug.

Your love was simple.
It didn't brag about its knowledge.
It didn't boast about its deeds.
It didn't even argue or plead.

It showed me the value of people.
Over and above the value of my own need.

Your love said, "It is OK."
And God has everything under control.
And it loosened me.
And God made me whole.

It isn't easy.
A rug beaten against a brick wall,
has to endure a little agitation
to get out all the dirt.
But simple love stirred it up.

Thank you for your love.
And for not budging
while my tantrum occurred.

May this simple love of Christ,
do the same for all of us.
Until all traces of religion
are no more.

Written October 24, 2011
for a special friend
who loved me unconditionally.


  1. Beautiful description of the love of Jesus, Deb!
    Love, Bron


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